
Grace News and Announcements

Worship this Weekend

February 5th, 2025|Categories: Announcements|

Though we sometimes doubt and often resist God’s desire to protect and save us, our God persists. In holy baptism, God’s people have been called and gathered into a God-initiated relationship that will endure. [...]

A Word from Pastor Matt

February 5th, 2025|Categories: Announcements|

Friends, it’s the season of Lent, which has historically meant a time of preparation in church life.  During Lent the “late early” church prepared those who wished to follow in The Way through education, [...]

Fair Trade During Lent

February 5th, 2025|Categories: Announcements|

There will be a special Fair Trade table set up EVERY weekend during Lent in the lower gathering space. The table displays handmade crosses, eggs, and more for purchase made by artisans around the world. [...]

Volunteers Needed-March 19th

February 5th, 2025|Categories: Announcements|

The midweek Lenten soup supper on Wednesday, March 19th is hosted by the Christian Education committee! We need extra volunteers to help set up, clean up and provide a soup OR a dessert. Please review the [...]

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