Friends, do you ever feel like you’re on the cusp of some big change that’s coming, but you can’t see it yet? I am wondering if our teenagers who are going to the ELCA National Youth Gathering feel that way right now. We are commissioning and sending them in the 9 AM service on Sunday, and they are leaving on Monday for a life-changing adventure in New Orleans!

How do I know that it’s going to be life-changing? Well, it was for me. I went to the National Youth Gathering for the first time in New Orleans during another hot summer, 27 short years ago. My memory is fuzzy on specifics after all this time, but I remember so clearly the feelings of awe, astonishment, connection, and certainty that welled up in me when I worked, played, and worshipped with tens of thousands of other youth Lutherans (Youtherans? Yuck, I must be from late 20th century youth group!). I cannot wait for our kids to have that experience in New Orleans next week. I don’t know if an obvious big change is coming, but I do know that all of them will be transformed by their time there.

I hope that this summer is a time of transformation for you too, a time to rest and reset and maybe even a time to think and rethink about the patterns and priorities of life in the world. We are people who are called to love each other and to speak and share the message of God’s love to and for all. That… does not seem to be on the priority list in our society today! Which is sometimes frustrating and even daunting. But, our calling remains, no matter what is popular or political or easy: love. Lead with love. Love when it’s easy. Love when it’s challenging. Bring eyes and ears and words of love to everything, especially the hard stuff. Just, love.

This weekend, Pastor Cody is going to reflect on heading to New Orleans. I hope that you will stop in, tune in, join us again to bless him and our other adult leaders and our youth so that they can be reminded that they are taking Grace with them to New Orleans.

We can’t wait to see you!

God’s grace and peace, Pastor Matt