Tools of Hope/Blankets/CROP Walk

During the month of April, the Social Ministry Committee is promoting the Spring Tools of Hope/Blankets Appeal and the annual Carroll County CROP Walk for Hunger, both sponsored by Church World Service, an ecumenical relief organization working to alleviate poverty and hunger throughout the world.

Please check out the CWS Display Tables in the Gathering Spaces during April. Here you will find examples of the tools and blankets that our donations provide, as well as brochures, informational material, and offering envelopes. There are also Tools of Hope/Blankets envelopes available in our church envelope packet during April.

In conjunction with the Tools and Blankets Offering Appeal, we are also recruiting walkers and sponsors for this year’s CROP Hunger Walk to be held on Sunday, April 21st in Union Bridge, Md. Hosted by the Union Bridge Church of the Brethren. We hope that you will join us in taking steps and raising funds to promote food security in communities around the world.


If you would like to join the Encountering Grace Team for the CROP Hunger Walk or would like to donate to help other people near and far, visit:

Please share and invite!