Worship this Weekend
These forty days called Lent are like no other. It is our opportune time to return to the God who rescues, to receive the gifts of God’s grace, to believe with the heart and [...]
A Word from Pastor Matt
Friends, we have some big plans during Lent. We plan to gather every week for refreshment, renewal, conversation and contemplative worship every Wednesday. We plan to pack FIFTEEN THOUSAND meals at our Rise Against Hunger event [...]
Welcome to Our New Members of Grace!
Affirmation of Faith: Ruth Fortis Danny & Annie Gladhill and Daniel and Grace Katherine High Linda Kjeldgaard Bill Rehkopf Joseph & Michelle Smith and McKenzie and Camden John & Katie Triesler and [...]
New Book Study
Join us at 10 AM on Sundays beginning This Sunday (3/9) for a new adult book study in the Fellowship Hall: “A Way Other Than Our Own” by Walter Brueggemann. This Lenten devotional invites readers to consider God’s call [...]
Grace Walk ‘N’ Brews
This Sunday, March 9th at 1:30 PM Meet us in Freeland, MD at the Freeland Trailhead Parking (Google, or in the area of 1053 Freeland Road, Freeland MD 21053) for a walk on the Torrey [...]
Volunteers Needed
The midweek Lenten soup supper on Wednesday, March 12th is hosted by the Social Ministry committee! We need extra volunteers to help set up, clean up and provide a soup OR a dessert. Please review the [...]