We are currently holding in-person worship three times each weekend.
Traditional Worship, Sanctuary
5:00 PM, Saturday & 11:00 AM, Sunday
Contemporary Worship, Grace Hall
9:00 AM, Sunday

Worship Is Central To Our Lives Together
As Lutherans, worship is central to our life together. Our worship is liturgical, meaning that it has a standard shape and form which has been handed down in the church throughout the ages. At the same time, through careful worship planning we provide worship experiences that are engaging with variety throughout the year.
We believe that the Holy Spirit gathers us together, speaks to us through the words of Scripture as well as through the sermon, the sacraments, the prayers and the music. Through worship, we are nurtured by God in order that we can grow in our faith and discipleship. From worship we are sent out into the world to be active participants in Christ’s mission in the world.
Traditional Worship
We currently offer at Grace, two traditional worship services which are held in the Sanctuary. The services take place on Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am. You can enter the Sanctuary most easily through the wooden doors on Carroll Street or the door from the parking lot on Winters Alley.
The hymns and liturgy comes from the worship book, Evangelical Lutheran Worship. The music is led by organ and choir. The pastors are assisted in worship leadership by lay people who read the lessons, lead the prayers and assist with the distribution of Holy Communion and other parts of the liturgy.
While the liturgy remains fairly consistent in traditional worship, variations are made throughout the year based on the church year. In joyful seasons such as Christmas and Easter, the hymns and liturgy reflect that joy. During times such as Advent and Lent, worshippers will note a more solemn tone in the worship. These changes keep the worship interesting and help us to explore the depth of our spirituality as God’s people.

Contemporary Worship
Our Contemporary Worship will be Sunday at 9:00 am, in Grace Hall. You can enter Grace Hall most easily from the door at the back of the Winter Street Parking Lot (often called the “Little Friends of Grace door) or the glass door from Kemper Ave behind the Columbarium.
At Grace we often call the contemporary service, “Praise Worship.” The mood of our services is upbeat and engaging. While we emphasize praise, we also try to help people experience the variety of emotions represented in our life together in God. The contemporary worship service follows a typical outline of Lutheran worship which includes Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending.
The music at the 9:00 Service is lead by the Praise Band and Praise Singers. Worshippers receive a printed worship folder, but the songs and other parts of the service are projected on a screen in the front of the room. The worship service often includes time for worshippers who desire to share ways in which they’ve seen God at work in their lives. A children’s message is included. Lay people assist the pastors during the worship service by leading the congregation in prayers and other parts of the worship service. Six lay people along with the two pastors distribute Holy Communion to those who have gathered for worship.

Worship Visitors
Visitors, including children, are welcome at all of the worship services at Grace. We try to be welcoming without embarrassing you…you will not be singled out of the crowd! We have a Visitors’ Table outside of Grace Hall and one in the back of the Sanctuary. We invite you to stop by to pick up a bag with information about our ministries. Because we do occasionally change our worship times, we urge you to check the website home page to double check worship times.