First Communion
An important milestone in the journey of faith is the day that we begin receiving the Lord’s Supper. While the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recognizes that baptism is the entrance to the Lord’s Table, traditionally, most Lutherans have expected a person to receive instruction before joining in the Lord’s Supper. At Grace Lutheran Church, parents are free to determine when their child is ready for this step in their faith life. Most children begin to receive communion around the time they are in second grade, although some join sooner and others later.
Each fall, and occasionally in the spring, First Communion classes are offered for children who are preparing to participate in Holy Communion. Class consists of three 90 minute sessions on Saturday mornings. These classes are normally taught by Pastor Martha. The class material and teaching style is designed to include students who are approximately 5- 12 years of age.
This class is especially designed for children in grades 2-6 who have not already participated in a class.
Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation)
Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up
in your children the gift of your Holy Spirit.
Confirm their faith, guide their lives,
empower them in their serving,
give them patience in suffering,
and bring them to everlasting life. Amen
Lutherans teach that infant baptism most vividly demonstrates God’s gracious act of claiming and redeeming us for a life of faith in this world as well as for eternal salvation. Thus, baptism is the beginning of a life-long relationship with God, the church, and the world. As children grow in years and understanding, it is important for parents and the church to provide opportunities to experience God’s grace and to learn to put words and form to the ways in which God interacts with us. Affirmation of Baptism, commonly called “Confirmation” is a time for middle school students to focus on the teachings of the church and to experience what it means to be involved in worship, fellowship and service through the body of Christ.
At Grace Lutheran Church, confirmation training is a two year program that normally takes place during 7thand 8th grade. Classes are taught on Sunday morning during the Education Hour (September – May). Students are required to submit worship reports which demonstrate their participation in worship services. All students attend a fall retreat each year and second year students participate in a retreat in the spring. Servant events give opportunity to experience what it means to be the church in action! Each student also gives leadership to our congregation’s worship life by participating in one of these ministries: acolyte, music ministry, service to the community or ushering.
While in Confirmation, students select an active adult member of the congregation to serve as a “Mentor.” This relationship provides a person in addition to family members to encourage the student as he or she faces the challenges of the teenage years. Mentors and students are invited to participate together in some of the servant events and are encouraged to spend additional time getting to know one another.
Please download the following resources for more information about Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) at Grace Lutheran: